CPI is a flexible qualification. It recognises the capabilities of staff who have several years’ experience in all types of insolvency. Alternatively, it can be used as an effective stepping stone towards the JIEB exam by candidates and their employers.
For more information or to book click here.
CPI is a flexible qualification. It recognises the capabilities of staff who have several years’ experience in all types of insolvency. Alternatively, it can be used as an effective stepping stone towards the JIEB exam by candidates and their employers.
For more information or to book click here.
- Faiaoga: Eileen Maclean
- Faiaoga: Jenny Penman
CPPI provides an opportunity for recognition at a level equivalent to CPI for those working purely in the personal insolvency sector. The focus of this qualification is not just the statutory forms of personal insolvency but also incorporates non-statutory debt solutions and the sequestration of partnerships. On successful completion of the exams, candidates may apply for Membership of the IPA (MIPA).
For more information or to book clike here.
- Faiaoga: Eileen Maclean
- Faiaoga: Jenny Penman
CPI is a flexible qualification. It recognises the capabilities of staff who have several years’ experience in all types of insolvency. Alternatively, it can be used as an effective stepping stone towards the JIEB exam by candidates and their employers.
For more information or to book click here.
- Faiaoga: Eileen Maclean
CPPI provides an opportunity for recognition at a level equivalent to CPI for those working purely in the personal insolvency sector. The focus of this qualification is not just the statutory forms of personal insolvency but also incorporates non-statutory debt solutions and the sequestration of partnerships. On successful completion of the exams, candidates may apply for Affiliate Membership of the IPA (AIPA).
For more information or to book clike here.
- Faiaoga: Eileen Maclean