There have been significant legislative changes in the areas of anti-money laundering and data privacy, with both regimes mandating that staff are aware of core requirements and risking penalties for regulatory breach. Vulnerability awareness is high upon the political and press agenda and professional standards issues continue to dominate the complaints mailboxes of the regulators.

ISS Foundations in Insolvency Compliance training is an easy and cost effective solution for your core training requirements, helping you to manage and mitigate the risks to your practice of non-compliance by staff in the areas of:

  • Anti-Money Laundering
  • Data Privacy
  • Ethics and Professional Standards
  • Vulnerability Awareness

Each module contains elements of instructional video content, reference materials and handouts, and concludes with a knowledge check. Modules take around 1-1.5 hours to complete and participants are provided a Certificate of Completion once they have completed their training by demonstrating their knowledge. 

The modules may be purchased individually or at a discounted package rate for the full course. 

For further information or to enrol yourself or a colleague on the full course, visit our website  or contact:

Estimated duration: Module 1-1.5 hours / Full course 4 -6 Hours

The full Compliance Awareness for Insolvency Teams course comprises 4 modules:

Anti-Money Laundering: In this session you will develop your knowledge of the UK's anti-money laundering regime,  become alive to signs that someone may be trying to use you or your firm as a professional enabler and better understand your role in the fight against financial crime.

Data Privacy: In this session you will develop your knowledge of GDPR and the data privacy regime and better understand your role in protecting the rights of the stakeholders in insolvency proceedings, to avoid breaching those rights.

Ethics and Professional Standards: In this session we will examine the framework approach adopted by the Code of Ethics for Insolvency Practitioners and look at how its key themes and concepts are reflected into the Statements of Insolvency Practice. 

Vulnerability Awareness: In this session you will develop your ability to recognise a client exhibiting signs of vulnerability and the benefits to them and to your firm in providing them with appropriate and practical additional assistance.