Схема на раздела

  • Below are free samples, demonstrating elements from each module of our full Compliance Awareness Online Learning course. Click on the module title to access the sample materials in that subject area. 

    Within these samples, you will find a selection of the types of materials included within the full Compliance Awareness course. These samples will only take a few minutes to view/complete. 

    The full Compliance Awareness course covers anti-money laundering, data privacy, ethics and professional standards and vulnerability awareness. Each module of the full course includes:

    • Instructional video content
    • Reference materials and handouts
    • Knowledge checks 

    Each of the module of the Compliance Awareness course contains all of these elements. The instructional content and knowledge checks take around 1-1.5 hours per module to complete (so 4-6 hours in total for all 4 topics), thereby providing a comprehensive induction for new staff or a refresher on key compliance areas for insolvency practitioners and their teams. 

    To take part the the Ethics and Professional Standards Quick Quiz, you will need to register as a user on this site with your name and email address. Once you have signed in, you may then self-enrol in this free sample course (on a computer, by clicking the settings icon (a cog) in the top right corner of the screen, adjacent to the course title, or on the mobile app, by selecting the "enrol me on this course" button).

    For further information or to enrol yourself or a colleague on the full version of this course, or specific modules of it, visit our website  or contact: courses@insolvencysupportservices.com